Think Team
A great amount of effort goes into being a solid team player, although our C.A. Murren teammates make it look easy. It’s great to be working with such a great group of individuals. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the team. Thank you for showing up every [...]
Introducing Project of the Month: a monthly friendly competition based on safety/quality/production achievements. First winner will be announced for October in November after October payroll is completed. Good luck, gentlemen.
Fundamental Number 20—Invest in Relationships.
People who build great relationships don't just think about other people—they act on those thoughts. One way of showing you think of others is to give unexpected, genuine praise. Everyone loves unexpected praise--it's like getting flowers not because it's Valentine's Day, but "just because." Praise boosts morale and lets them [...]
Spotlight: Charlie Murren IV
September 1st marks 21 years that Charlie Murren IV has worked at the company. Charlie (fondly known as ‘C4’ to his colleagues) has experienced many positions over the years. Coming in as a laborer digging ditches, during that time he also learned about surveying and he learned to operate equipment [...]
Spotlight: Henry Rice
“To me attitude is everything. Henry’s is great. He works hard, stays busy and does good work. Henry is as dependable an employee as I have ever worked with.” This is what a fellow teammate said about Henry as he reminisced on the first job on which he met Henry, [...]
It’s the Murren Way!
From blasting to pipe installation, there’s always something interesting going on here at Murren.
Be a Lifetime Learner
“If you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.” ---Benjamin Franklin Check out this beautiful city scene as Keston Bramble loads dirt into one of the Alif trucks, of with whom CAM has had a long and productive relationship.
Spotlight: Lee Jeffcoat – What’s New?
Lee Jeffcoat is one of our senior estimators, celebrating 8 years with the company last month. We visited with Lee last year for his anniversary, but we can’t get enough of Lee, so we sat down with him again to ask him about his life and any updates. Looking back [...]