Backing up equipment and vehicles is a challenging and dangerous task that can cause serious injury or even death to workers.
Employers and supervisors should provide workers with:
- Information to recognize hazards
- Vehicles and equipment that operate properly (horns, four-way flashers, backup alarms, mirrors, sensors and cameras)
- Training to operate equipment safely
- Training to inspect their vehicles and surroundings before driving and after breaks to see if the area is clear.
To Prevent Runovers, Train Workers to:
- Keep mirrors and cab windows clean.
- Roll down windows and open vehicle’s doors to hear shouts.
- Know the vehicle’s blind spots — mirrors never show the entire view.
- Have another worker assist the driver to back up.
- Never rest or sleep near vehicles or equipment.
- Limit walking or working behind vehicles.
- Drive forward instead of backing up, even though it takes more time.
- Look out for/alert other workers when vehicles and equipment are nearby.
Vehicle Safety
- Ensure that workers understand and use hand signals (not verbal commands) when noise or distance is involved. (See ASABE/E19).
- Never assume that the driver can see other workers.
- When in doubt, don’t back up!