Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 | Cooling Tower Foundation & Hot Water Intake Tunnels LOCATION: Waynesboro, GA OWNER: Georgia Power Company PROJECT SCOPE: Excavate 250,000 cy 30’ depths for tunnel construction Install 56- 6’ diameter caissons 120’depth Form & pour 2- 20’ x 20’ box culverts 275’ long Poured 9,600 cy of concrete Utilized 1,100 tons of rebar Installed concrete pile caps 90,000 cy of structural backfill

Plant Scherer Power Generating Station | Gypsum Slurry & PAC Ash HDPE Piping
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:05:50+00:00Plant Scherer Power Generating Station | Gypsum Slurry & PAC Ash HDPE Piping LOCATION: Juliette, GA OWNER: Georgia Power Company PROJECT SCOPE: Gypsum Slurry & PAC Ash Piping System 27,000 lf of 8” fused HDPE 10,600 lf of 12” fused HDPE 14,000 lf of 14” fused HDPE 1,400 CY of Structural Concrete 3 Pump Stations 6,100 lf of 8 & 12 way electrical Duct Bank 16,500 lf of fiber optic cable Coal Pile Runoff Discharge Piping 14,000 lf of 16” fused HDPE Pump Station & Wet Well upgrades
Ballenger McKinney Bridge
kdwolf2017-01-12T11:11:02+00:00Ballenger McKinney Bridge LOCATION: Frederick County MD OWNER: Frederick County MD PROJECT SCOPE: Construction 350’ long, 2 lane bridge over Ballenger Creek. Designed and installed sheet pile cofferdam to build bridge piers. Installed 430, 10” pipe piles for bridge piers and abutments. Designed and installed sheet pile cofferdam to build bridge piers. Installed 430, 10” pipe piles for bridge piers and abutments. Designed and built a compaction grouting soil stabilization system. Pressure injected 580 CY grout to fill sinkholes and stabilize ground below center piers of bridge.
Conowingo Dam
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:07:03+00:00Conowingo Dam LOCATION: Conowingo, MA OWNER: Exelon Power PROJECT SCOPE: This project was a design build sheet pile cofferdam project on the Susquehanna River. Project consisted of: 74 Soldier Piles 720 lf of Wales 5,775 sq ft of sheet piling

MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility | Tower Crane Foundation
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:08:11+00:00MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility | Tower Crane Foundation LOCATION: Aiken, SC OWNER: U. S. Department of Energy PROJECT SCOPE: MOX Facility Tower Crane Foundation 45,000 lbs. of Rebar 400 CY of Concrete for Mass Pour Tower Crane Specifications 3rd Largest Crane in the World 298’ Working Radius
Habersham Medical Center
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:08:42+00:00Habersham Medical Center LOCATION: Atlanta, GA OWNER: McCarthy Building Companies PROJECT SCOPE: The Habersham Medical Center Renovations project consist of the renovation of an existing hospital in 3 phases maintain all facility operations including utilities, parking and pedestrian traffic. The renovation consists of the addition of a west wing and extension of the Emergency Department both adjacent to the existing building. A 20 vertical foot excavation next to an existing building was required for new building foundation. A total of 3,000 SF of soldier pile and lagging shoring was installed to protect existing building and excavation. The project includes demolition of underground utilities, including water, storm and sanitary, demolition of lift station, site walls, sidewalk and curb, paving, removal of canopies and the removal of generator fuel tank. It also included the installation of 1,000 SF retaining wall, 18,500 CY of excavation, fine grading for buildings and paving, 260 LF of 4” force main sewer, 1,000 LF of 8” gravity sewer, installation of lift station, 1,000 LF of 18” storm drain and 1,500 LF of 6” waterline.
Dulles Fuel Tank Settling Farm
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:08:59+00:00Dulles Fuel Tank Settling Farm LOCATION: Dulles, VA OWNER: Washington Metropolitan Airport Authority CONTACT: Grunley-Walsh “Bassam Soueidan” PROJECT SCOPE: 8 million gallon steel jet fuel storage tanks 180’ diameter tank foundation 5,000 LF of 20’ high concrete containment dike wall 20,000 cy of structural concrete 60,000 LF of underground fire line, foam fire suppression supply lines, and other mechanical piping 3,000 LF of Jet Fuel Piping