Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 | HDPE & Steel Piping LOCATION: Waynesboro, GA OWNER: Georgia Power Company PROJECT SCOPE: Set 6 300 hp electric pumps in new river water intake structure. Excavate and install 20,000 lf of twin 34 inch HDPE pipe from river to water treatment plant. Install 12,000 lf of 42 inch HDPE discharge pipe from plant to river. Install sheet pile cofferdam and build 25’ x 25’ discharge structure in river. Excavate and install 96 inch welded steel cement lined recirculating waterline from reactor building to cooling towers.

Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 | Cooling Tower Foundation & Hot Water Intake Tunnels
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:05:32+00:00Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 | Cooling Tower Foundation & Hot Water Intake Tunnels LOCATION: Waynesboro, GA OWNER: Georgia Power Company PROJECT SCOPE: Excavate 250,000 cy 30’ depths for tunnel construction Install 56- 6’ diameter caissons 120’depth Form & pour 2- 20’ x 20’ box culverts 275’ long Poured 9,600 cy of concrete Utilized 1,100 tons of rebar Installed concrete pile caps 90,000 cy of structural backfill

Plant Scherer Power Generating Station | Gypsum Slurry & PAC Ash HDPE Piping
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:05:50+00:00Plant Scherer Power Generating Station | Gypsum Slurry & PAC Ash HDPE Piping LOCATION: Juliette, GA OWNER: Georgia Power Company PROJECT SCOPE: Gypsum Slurry & PAC Ash Piping System 27,000 lf of 8” fused HDPE 10,600 lf of 12” fused HDPE 14,000 lf of 14” fused HDPE 1,400 CY of Structural Concrete 3 Pump Stations 6,100 lf of 8 & 12 way electrical Duct Bank 16,500 lf of fiber optic cable Coal Pile Runoff Discharge Piping 14,000 lf of 16” fused HDPE Pump Station & Wet Well upgrades
Conowingo Dam
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:07:03+00:00Conowingo Dam LOCATION: Conowingo, MA OWNER: Exelon Power PROJECT SCOPE: This project was a design build sheet pile cofferdam project on the Susquehanna River. Project consisted of: 74 Soldier Piles 720 lf of Wales 5,775 sq ft of sheet piling

MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility | Tower Crane Foundation
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:08:11+00:00MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility | Tower Crane Foundation LOCATION: Aiken, SC OWNER: U. S. Department of Energy PROJECT SCOPE: MOX Facility Tower Crane Foundation 45,000 lbs. of Rebar 400 CY of Concrete for Mass Pour Tower Crane Specifications 3rd Largest Crane in the World 298’ Working Radius
MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility | Excavation
kdwolf2017-01-12T11:11:02+00:00MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility | Excavation LOCATION: Aiken, SC OWNER: U. S. Department of Energy PROJECT SCOPE: This project involved mass site grading, excavation, pipelines, erosion control, and soil stabilization Earth excavation ~1.51 million cubic yards 125,000 cy of earth excavation for building foundations 135,000 cy for three detention ponds. 180,000 cy of topsoil 150,000 cy hauled unsuitable material 116,800 cy of pond excavation 1,500,000 cy of mass excavation 50,000 cy of Coal Ash Pipelines 5,744 LF of reinforced concrete pipe ranging from 18” to 60” diameter 2,000 LF of realignment for state waters 12,000 LF of water line 6,000 LF of 4” force main Soil Stabilization & Erosion 43,000 tons of riprap placement 35,000 tons of GAB placement 57,000 tons of crusher run 64,000 LF of silt fence installation 105 acres of temporary grassing 100 acres of permanent grassing 35,900 sy of geotextile fabric

Brandon Shores Material Handling System
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:09:59+00:00Brandon Shores Material Handling System LOCATION: Baltimore MD OWNER: Constellation Energy CONTACT: Rick Bradyhouse PROJECT SCOPE: Demolish an existing coal barge unloader. Drive sheet piling for 2- 40’ diameter x 80’ deep cofferdam cells to support a new barge unloader and barge haul system. Drive pipe piles and construct concrete foundations on land and water for conveyor system. Construction of a 13,000’ structural steel conveyor system to transport limestone into the powerhouse, and gypsum back out to the barges. Other services performed: refurbishing dauphins, cells, seawalls, and installing a new fender system.