Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 | Cooling Tower Foundation & Hot Water Intake Tunnels LOCATION: Waynesboro, GA OWNER: Georgia Power Company PROJECT SCOPE: Excavate 250,000 cy 30’ depths for tunnel construction Install 56- 6’ diameter caissons 120’depth Form & pour 2- 20’ x 20’ box culverts 275’ long Poured 9,600 cy of concrete Utilized 1,100 tons of rebar Installed concrete pile caps 90,000 cy of structural backfill
Ballenger McKinney Bridge
kdwolf2017-01-12T11:11:02+00:00Ballenger McKinney Bridge LOCATION: Frederick County MD OWNER: Frederick County MD PROJECT SCOPE: Construction 350’ long, 2 lane bridge over Ballenger Creek. Designed and installed sheet pile cofferdam to build bridge piers. Installed 430, 10” pipe piles for bridge piers and abutments. Designed and installed sheet pile cofferdam to build bridge piers. Installed 430, 10” pipe piles for bridge piers and abutments. Designed and built a compaction grouting soil stabilization system. Pressure injected 580 CY grout to fill sinkholes and stabilize ground below center piers of bridge.
Komatsu Training Facility
kdwolf2017-01-12T11:11:02+00:00Komatsu Training Facility LOCATION: Cartersville, GA OWNER: Komatsu America Corporation PROJECT SCOPE: Repaired a failing parking lot and built a newly designed equipment construction area. Existing parking lot had been built over unstable organic material, CAM removed existing parking lot, excavated 135,000 CY of failed fill and replaced with a geo-grid reinforced engineered fill to stabilize sub-grade and slope. CAM moved an additional 850,000 CY of dirt and rock to build the new heavy equipment demonstration area. Installed approximately 6,000 LF of storm pipe ranging from 18” to 60” and place 8,5000 TN of GAB for a 2400 LF haul road. During the course of the project 27,000 LF of silt fence was installed as well as 8,000 LF of French drain. There was also 180,000 SY of erosion matting installed.

Brandon Shores Material Handling System
kdwolf2015-06-08T11:09:59+00:00Brandon Shores Material Handling System LOCATION: Baltimore MD OWNER: Constellation Energy CONTACT: Rick Bradyhouse PROJECT SCOPE: Demolish an existing coal barge unloader. Drive sheet piling for 2- 40’ diameter x 80’ deep cofferdam cells to support a new barge unloader and barge haul system. Drive pipe piles and construct concrete foundations on land and water for conveyor system. Construction of a 13,000’ structural steel conveyor system to transport limestone into the powerhouse, and gypsum back out to the barges. Other services performed: refurbishing dauphins, cells, seawalls, and installing a new fender system.