Project Description
MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility | Excavation
OWNER: U. S. Department of Energy
This project involved mass site grading, excavation, pipelines, erosion control, and soil stabilization
- Earth excavation ~1.51 million cubic yards
- 125,000 cy of earth excavation for building foundations
- 135,000 cy for three detention ponds.
- 180,000 cy of topsoil
- 150,000 cy hauled unsuitable material
- 116,800 cy of pond excavation
- 1,500,000 cy of mass excavation
- 50,000 cy of Coal Ash
- Pipelines
- 5,744 LF of reinforced concrete pipe ranging from 18” to 60” diameter
- 2,000 LF of realignment for state waters
- 12,000 LF of water line
- 6,000 LF of 4” force main
- Soil Stabilization & Erosion
- 43,000 tons of riprap placement
- 35,000 tons of GAB placement
- 57,000 tons of crusher run
- 64,000 LF of silt fence installation
- 105 acres of temporary grassing
- 100 acres of permanent grassing
- 35,900 sy of geotextile fabric